The Prejuvenation Trend: Millennials Getting Cosmetic Procedures

For many years, cosmetic procedures were considered as something older people did to look more youthful. Younger people had no reason to have cosmetic procedures. At least, that was the common wisdom for decades.

Millennial woman smiling touching face

In the post-COVID era, Millennials — those born between 1981 and 1996 — have continued to become a major force in the workplace. Many find themselves working from home and staring at their on-screen images on Zoom and FaceTime calls. Since real-time video has no filtering capabilities, these platforms are an easy lens for self-scrutiny. Because Millennials may be unhappy with what they see — and they want to look their best — they are finding pre-emptive cosmetic procedures the way to go. 

The American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (AAFPRS) 2022 report found that 79 percent of facial plastic surgeons identify patients looking for procedures for an improved appearance on video conferencing as a rising trend, compared to only 16 percent the previous year.

The AAFPRS also found the culturally ingrained desire to look better in selfies also continues to trend up, with 77 percent of members reporting this as a driving factor for patients — up 35 percent overall since the AAFPRS first identified this trend in 2016. Also, because of mask wearing, more and more patients are also asking for eyelid procedures to look less tired, as noted by 73 percent of surgeons (up 17 percent from 2020).

An Increase in Non- and Minimally-Invasive Procedures

For the past several years, many news outlets have predicted that fillers, skin tighteners, and RF technology would all continue to gain in popularity in younger patients. 

A report in the Houston Chronicle also reveals an increase in “prejuvenation”; using non- and minimally-invasive procedures to keep skin healthy before aging shows. The report states that men and women in their 20s will increasingly be getting cosmetic procedures preventatively, rather than as a method to repair older, damaged, and sagging skin. 

The most popular non- and minimally-invasive cosmetic procedures for Millennials are:

  • RF Microneedling for Acne Scars — Ever since the U.S. Food and Drug Administration cleared radio frequency (RF) microneedling to treat acne scars among younger patients, RF microneedling has become the minimally invasive treatment-of-choice for many Millennials. RF microneedling requires no downtime and rejuvenates the skin by stimulating collagen production.  Severe acne scarring can bring serious physical and psychological distress to adolescents and adults. Microneedling treats deep into the skin, which promotes dermal collagen production. In a study reported in the Journal of Cutaneous and Aesthetic Surgery, patients overwhelmingly showed great improvements after treatment, nearly 81%, with the rest of the patients reporting good improvement. 

  • InjectionsBotox® and Dysport® are often used to smooth the skin at the first sign of wrinkles, like between the eyebrows , the forehead, or eye area. These are office procedures with very little to no down time. 

  • Fat Augmentation — This minimally invasive procedure transfers a small amount of the body’s fat to areas of the face that may have insufficient volume. The results of fat augmentation may often last for years.

  • Liquid Nose Reshaping — An experienced surgeon like Dr. Lo, injects dermal fillers into the nose, which smoothes its shape. It’s the perfect solution for those who would like to lessen the appearance of a dorsal hump, fix minor asymmetries, or refine the look of a previous rhinoplasty. 

  • Lip Enhancements — Injectables like Botox® and Dysport® are used to temporarily weaken or paralyze muscles. These injectables, which last about three months, give a more youthful appearance by minimizing creases in the lips, elevating the corners of the mouth, removing the lines that run downward from the corners of the mouth (referred to as “marionette lines”), correcting a smile that reveals too much of the gums, and enhancing the upper lip. 

  • Eye Enhancements — Dermal fillers like Restylane® and Sculptra® are good under-eye fillers, while Botox can fill-in wrinkles between the brows. 

Those looking for a surgical solution, Dr. Lo can perform a Blepharoplasty, which removes bags, puffy skin around the eye, and the excess skin and fat of the lid. Dr. Lo is one of the few fellowship-trained ophthalmic plastic surgeons — or oculoplastic surgeons — in the country, having trained in both cosmetic surgery and ophthalmology. He has significant expertise in this area.

  • VI Peel / ZO Stimulator Peel — The VI Peel is a medium depth, medical grade peel. It is a great treatment for first-time peel patients of all age groups or regular peel patients wanting to maintain healthy and radiant skin. The ZO Stimulator Peel is truly the perfect lunchtime peel – it brightens the complexion and stimulates collagen without the irritation, redness or peeling associated with other peels. With no downtime, you can have this peel done in-office and return to your normal routine right away. And makeup can be applied after, if needed! 

If you’d like to have a fresher look, no matter what your age, schedule a consultation today with Dr. Mikel Lo and his talented, professional  staff, including 2 trained nurse injectors, at About Faces Cosmetic Surgery and Med Spa. Contact us today!

Contact About Faces Cosmetic Surgery and Med Spa today, and look your best! 

The office of About Faces Cosmetic Surgery and Med Spa  is taking every precaution to ensure the safety of all our patients and our entire staff. Please feel free to contact our office with any questions or concerns. We look forward to seeing you! 


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